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Version 0.1: 17 May 2023 (initial public release, current version)
1. Introduction
1.1. Terminology
This document uses the following terms as defined in external specifications and defines terms specific to Semantic Container.
A Decentralized Resource Identifier represents a content based address for a dataset. Within SemCon Multihash [MULTIHASH] (default:
) is used for hashing a JSON object and Multibase [MULTIBASE] (default:base58-btc
) for encoding the hash value.
1.2. Design Goals and Rationale
SemCon satisfies the following design goals:
Open: all components are open source, free to use (incl. commercially), and publicly accessible (Github, public Repository)
Extensible: design is inherently supposed to be extended through own definitions, extensions, concepts
Compatible: allow seamlessly switching between data formats to use the best technology for the given use case
Ease of use: make it as simple as possible (but not simpler!) through documentation (e.g., tutorials, examples) and UI components (databud)
Focus on Semantic Web: build on top of and make use of the Semantic Web Stack
Decentralised: avoid any centralized components or addressing (i.e., use decentralized resource identifiers - DRIs - where possible)
1.3. Motivation
2. Features
3. Tools
3.1. Repository
3.2. Command Line Tool
4. Reference Implementation
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program through the NGI ONTOCHAIN program under cascade funding agreement No 957338.